Cindy woke up earlier than the rest of the household, and slipped out of bed and threw on some clothes, she tip toed across the hall and woke the twins, who, due to transport issues and gate sign ins, now had to leave an hour earlier to get to school on time. There was a lot of work to do to get the garden ready for her business overhaul.
The twins debated the pros and cons of self educating versus
the current school system while they got dressed.
Dressed in their favorite shirts, they continued their conversation as they rode to school.
With Delilah currently working afternoons and weekends, Evie and her lover barely spent any time together (except in bed), and with a meeting rescheduled by one of her clients, they found them selves with a whole day together.
"I'm thinking lunch at a restaurant, followed by karaoke!", said Evi enthusiastically.
"And there's a new horror movie out about zombieism mutating from a plant mangling affliction into a virus that turns all zombies into psychotic cannibals who take over the world, I've been waiting for ages for it to be released.", Delilah explained. "Firstly", Eve asked, "The plot seems a bit far fetched, and secondly, since when have you been able to sit through a feature length film without getting distracted?".
Evie relented when Delilah did her puppy dog eyes thing. Evie laughed to herself, she had dozens of werewolf siblings who could learn the art of ' puppy dog eyes ' from her cat lover.
Jess drove around town looking for an audience. The hospital needed to raise a large amount of funds quickly to purchase some new equipment. While Jess had a reputation around town as a skilled magician, the tip jar frequently remained empty due to people staying indoors due to bad weather. Jess was hoping to get a gig and went to the only indoor venue that might suit her purposes.
Lady Luck favored Jess this morning and Alisha Ivey, the proprieter was arriving to unlock the center as Jess arrived.
Jess explained that she wanted to do a big gig to raise funds for the hospital, Alisha enlightened Jess to the fact that she was having a 'Hospital Benefit Show' in the immediate future, although there was no magician in the line up.
"My daughter said she saw you last week at the hospital when she was visiting a sick friend and she said you were awesome, however, my daughter thinks pokemon are awesome. So if you want to create an extra slot in the show for you, impress me.", Alicia said. Jess started with 'The vanishing coin, oh there it is behind your ear trick'.
"Someone needs to invent a teleportation transport system, a bit like Dr.When's time traveling phone box", Melissa explained as she fumbled in her pocket for the bicycle lock key.
"Some sort of atomic molecular arranger, where you could enter one and exit another? I'm surprised they don't already exist", Nerissa responded. "It would be far more convenient than bicycles."
There was a new bar in town, and after Evie and Delilah had snogged through the second half of the zombie movie, they went home and changed and went to investigate this new place.
In theory it was the hottest new vampire hangout with awesome dance music and mood lighting.
In reality in was a total dive opened by Kenny Bryce who was a vampire wannabe. It had an average sound system and the lighting was a garish red. The members of the local Vampire community had all agreed that no true Vampire would show their fangs in such a dump. Even the local teen Vampires avoided the place, despite knowing that Kenny would serve underage just to get to stand next to a real Vampire.
Kenny spotted the glowing eyes and Evie's pointed ears. "Can I get you ladies a plasma? Maybe you'd like someone to nibble on?", Kenny offered Evie, shifting in to full on vampfanboy mode.
"Down boy, sit!", Evie growled gently, "Moon-howler, not Blood-stalker. A couple of Falling Forever's thanks."
The enthusiasm drained from Kenny's face a little as he mixed the drinks.
The girls ignored the creepy bartender and danced the night away,
celebrating their anniversary.
Thing One and Thing Two decided to have a sleep out in the tree house.
"So, I'm thinking scientist, inventor, maybe brain surgeon?", Nerissa added to the current discussion. Melissa agreed, "Definately, Rocket scientist too, add that to the list.".
"Mmm, rocket science, I like that.", Nerissa agreed as she penciled that in. "Of course we need to get school and probably university out of the way first.". Melissa handed her a few more sheets of paper as they assembled a rough map of their possible future.
"Damn I love this life!", Jess told herself as she crawled out of bed and put her dressing gown on.
Cindy was normally up an hour or two before anyone in the house as plant sims absorbed energy during the day and didn't need as much sleep as other life forms. Jess had woken as Cindy was attempting to crawl out of bed and convinced her to come back in. The couple had spend an hour or more giggling and playing under the covers before Cindy extricated herself to make breakfast.
"Breakfast is ready sweetheart." announced Cindy.
Luckily breakfast was already served, or there may have been a kitchen fire as Jess delayed Cindy again.
"I'll just grab the paper and I'll be right there!", giggled Jess.
Jess was addicting to coupon clipping, despite being one
of the richest sims in Midnight Hollow, and despite the fact that
she gave away more coupons than she used herself.
Had that maid been standing outside the bedroom window long? Creepy!
Authors Note:
The Sims has refused to start nine times out of ten in the last week, the few times it did launch it was like playing in my underwear in the arctic circle. It froze real quick! Then suddenly it cooperates. So pic cap spam time! This has been the longest generation so far due to my game actually progressing forward in time so slowly due to crashes and save issues. The launcher works fine spamming its 'Buy sims 4' advertisement, every from there on is broken atm.
Generation F - 13 Chapters
Generation 1 - 13 Chapters
Generation 2 - 18 Chapters
Generation 3 - 19 Chapters
Generation 4 - 15 Chapters
Generation 5 - 13 Chapters
Generation 6 - 16 Chapters, and the twins aren't even teenagers yet!
That new maid, I don't think I've ever seen in her inside the house...
Jess got a date call at 3.44 AM, dear sims, even the most desperate and dateless say 'NO!' to dates at 4AM, and Jess is clearly not that.
Also I have Nraas remove abandoned cars at 2AM; first night 799 cars, second night 5902 cars!
I need to get to the next generation and find a new town soon..