It was also decided that if the twins were awake, Jade was locked in her terrarium to prevent incidents.
Jess used her spare time to learn a few new tricks and to create variations of her old ones.
Three hours was a long time to be on stage without a greater assortment of illusions to have at hand. Apart from her passion for doing magic tricks for the children at St. James, Jess has also discovered that that passion extended to performing live on stage.
She ordered some extra flower wands, so she could 'materialize' different colored flowers, depending on who she was doing the illusion for..
And she practiced her card tricks over and over.
Evie took up martial arts after one of her clients had shown her both the physical and mental benefits.
She did most of her workouts and training at home in secret, and only went to her clients Dojo when she thought she was ready for the next level. So far she had progressed quite well, and had managed to keep her new found hobby a secret.
Delilah looked from the window, watching her lover beat the snot out of the wooden training dummy, she returned to her book 'Famous Paintings: Facts And Forgeries', smiling at the thought that anyone might be able to keep a secret from her, especially Evie. Secrets were after all, Delilahs specialty, both finding other peoples and keeping her own.
Jess was on the fourth hour of practicing her prestidigitation routine when she spotted the T-Rex head, hanging on the upper wall of the play room, as the second garage had been affectionately nick named. It was placed above the lighting and barely noticeable in the shadows.
Delilah later smoothly explained that the dinosaur head was in fact a model replica that had been damaged and stored indefinitely, it had been cheaper for the museum to replace it than repair it, and Delilah had marked the exhibit as destroyed and absconded with the head, after clearing the action with the museum director, of course.
Delilah's boss had managed to misplace her keys again late at night, and again Delilah was summoned to the rescue. Evie who had been snuggling with her chin on Delilah's shoulder at the time, was certain that she saw the phrase 'box of gnomes' in the text, but didn't ask about it. Evie was starting to suspect that Delilah's career may not be entirely one hundred percent legitimate, but didn't want to start an argument without proof.
Jess took a moment out of her hectic baby care, magician, super mum routine to squeeze in some exercise, she was blessed with an elastic waist that had sprung back to almost her pre-baby size, but Jess had noticed in the mirror this morning that there were still quite a few pixels to get rid off to get back to her previous size.
When the twins woke up from their nap, Jess encouraged them to play with some toys to help them built skills for use in later life, Mel grabbed the peg box and quickly worked out which of the three pegs went where. For Melissa it soon became a game of not what pegs go where, but how fast she could put them in.
Nerissa on the other hand preferred the xylophone, or rather the stick with the rapidly dwindling wooden ball attached to the end.
Jess picked Nerissa up and Melissa used the opportunity to scuttle across and savage the little wooden mallet. Jess held Nerissa up and gave her a gentle tickle, when Nerissa giggled Jess spotted the cause for the mallet's mutilation. "My baby girl has got her canines coming through, yes she has!", Jess cooed. As she lowered Nerissa back to the floor she spotted Melissa, also chomping on the wooden stick. Jess changed her statement. "My baby girls have got their canines coming through, yes they have!"
Jess decided to add potty training to the 'to do' list, and purchased a matching pair of Princess Pottie chairs.
Both girls picked it up in no time, and if Jess had been more familiar with babies, she would have realized that both of her daughters were exceptionally fast learners.
A delivery for Jess arrived from Aunt Emily and Aunt Dolly, although when Jess opened the box, she soon realized that the contents where not intended for her.
"Eddeeee!", chortled Melissa upon receiving her rag-doll.
"Eeeddeeee!", agreed Nerissa upon receiving hers.
"Twins with twins, double the trouble", Jess muttered to herself, despite reminiscing about Mia. With those happy thoughts in mind, Jess sat at the computer to type up emails to Mia and Shelby, Emily and Dolly, her Grandparents Edward and Tamara, and several of her old university friends.
Authors Note:
I typed this chapter up immediately after the last one, so nothing new to rant about for me. No news is good news, so they say!