"Dark green skin, and very, very long pointy ears", confirmed John, giving the investigating officer a photo. "Magical misadventure on my mother's side.", added John, as if that explained everything.
"Well, um, finding a teen to fit this description shouldn't be to hard, I wouldn't be surprised if the curfew squad doesn't round him up in a day or two.", said the officer, trying not to stare at the photo.
Edward had found a few fishing rods in the bunker and went looking for somewhere safe to fish. He had been fishing a few times with John and Tamara, and it looked easy, flick the rod into the water, pull out a fish.
Nothing, no nibbles, no bites, no fish. And there was a small group of people wandering in his direction. Edward hid in the bushes until they had passed. Even if he didn't eat them, they would run screaming from him, they wandered close enough that he could hear the teens talking about some upcoming 'Spooky Day Festival'.
Eventually the small group moved on, and Edward crept down to the water to try again. No sooner than he had flicked the line into a small group of fish, a lady and her dog came trotting into view, John returned to his hiding spot again. Before the lady had vanished from view, a family came and dropped down a picnic blanket. Edward climbed a tree and decided to have a nap and wait for dark before trying again for dinner.
Tam tried to focus her inventing talents on creating a device to locate her son, but nothing seemed to work. She took her frustrations out on the chin up bar.
Tamara left 'MISSING' posters at every shop and store in Bridgeport that would display one.
Edward guided Isabelle to the cemetery, and after a lengthy search located the final resting place of her parents. "William Salter, Judy Salter!", Eddie announced quietly. "Thank you for this, I can finally say goodbye.", Isabelle said between sobs.
Over the next few days Tamara jogged or flew the length and breadth of Bridgeport searching for her missing baby, she didn't care if he had been taken, or if he had run away, she just wanted him back.
Edward grabbed a fishing rod for the bunker supply cupboard, he was about to set off to investigate a possible fishing spot at the cemetery when Isabelle called out, "Grab a rod for me too, I want to come with you.". Edward hesitated, "I didn't think you could touch things, being a ghost and all?"
"I can solidify and touch things. see?", Isabelle said as she drifted across the room and brushed her fingers against Edward's cheek. "I just prefer to stay evanescent, so I'm not constantly walking into things. Would you like me to touch you?", she flirted. Edward blushed furiously, and Isabelle realized in that moment, that she was far more worldly wise than her new friend.
Tamara fretted, John had gotten word to Marvin, who knew everybody in Bridgeport, If Edward was in Bridgeport, word of a sighting would eventually get back to Marvin, and to them.
John took the night off from Knightgarden to walk the town with Tam looking for Eddy. "I've been in contact with Mum, she says Eddy has inherited her blocking talent, but she did get a glimpse of something underground.", John told his wife. He didn't add that he'd asked Elvira Slayer to make discrete inquiries among the less noble Vampires in town, in case he'd been taken.
"I've caught .... something!", laughed Edward, who had finally caught something. "I'll have to check my books to see if this sludge thing is even edible though!".
Spooky day was the next day, and Tamara carved a pumpkin in the hopes it would guide her son home. She wished she had focused more of her energy on learning witchcraft as she originally intended when she first moved here. Times had changed, plans had changed, this was not the life that she had carefully planned.
Tam spent most of the night glaring at the pumpkin from the kitchen window,
willing it to guide her son back to her.
Edward missed his family, even moody Em, but the only way he could keep them safe was to stay away.
Isabelle was now his only friend he decided, because you cant gobble a Ghost.
John visited all the clubs, interrogating the bouncers and bar staff, in search of his son.
He inspected every hole and tunnel he could find in Bridgeport.
Edward had gone to sleep with the idea of returning to his parents house and raiding a few things from the garden, after his largely unsuccessful fishing attempts. He had woken in a cold sweat, he had had another nightmare of himself, sharp teeth and razor claws. A children's playground. Screaming. Blood.
This was way he had to stay away from anyone he could hurt.
Author's Note:
Choosing the appropriate trait for Edwards mental condition, Unstable and Insane sound appropriate, but the traits in game behavior's have too many non character appropriate effects. A test play showed Brooding wasn't effective enough, so I went with Neurotic instead. In any case, with Edward thinking he could turn into a psychopathic cannibal at any moment is 99% staged because there is no such thing as goblins :P
I had a secret goal of including all of the playable life states in my legacy (except Mummy), and I think I've hit that goal already.
(no particular order)
1st Human - Venice - Founder
1st Ghost - Isabelle Salter - Girlfriend of Edward (G4 heir)
1st Simbot / Plumbot - Astrid Jettstar - created by Lil Jettstar (during G1)
1st Vampire - Nicholas Jettstar (G3), (Angel Drakkenstone appeared in G2, but wasn't technically family)
1st Imaginary Friend - Dolly Jettstar - Doll, childhood friend, and later lover of Emily Jettstar (G3)
1st Genie - Jennifer Jettstar (G3)
1st Faerie - Lilliana Rosebloom (Jettstar) - Life partner of Founder
1st Werewolf - Casey Errant-Jonas - married Marcus Jettstar (G1 Heir)
1st Witch - Natalie Jettstar (G2 Heir)
1st Alien - Cecilia Jettstar (G3)
1st Plantsim - Lilly-Rose (G3)
1st Mermaid - Sophia (G3)
1st Dog - Gypsy - (Founder/G1)
1st Cat - SkittyKitty Jettstar (totally not named Nymphadora G1)
1st Horse - Princess - (G4 Emily)
1st Mummy, 1st Zombie .... maybe, I'm only half way through the story....