
Tuesday, 13 August 2019

6.18 Teh Apocalypse Is Nigh

"Where are you girls off to in such a hurry?" inquired Jess.

"Muuuum, it's raid night! Everybody is waiting for us!", Melissa explained as she dashed off to her room to start both computers.

"Load the raft, I'll be there in a minute!", Nerissa called out to her sister.
"Melissa's Paladin Aleerah and my Orc Tank Daisy have been invited to a major raid!",
Nerissa explained and bolted after her sister, leaving Jess even more confused.


Delilah spent the next thirty minutes explaining the details of MMORPG's to Jess. 

Authors Note.

Still no functioning Sims-3, Aleerah and Daisy courtesy of Skyrim SE, the raft is from my current 'Stranded Deep' save. My last post was about a week ago, so this is a filler... I am expecting to have to put this legacy on hold shortly due to technical and personal reasons, just delaying it as long as I can...