
Thursday, 14 March 2019

3.14 - In The Dog House

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" yelled Natalie, throwing herself at her husband. They hugged and smooched for a few minutes before settling down. Nat smiled to herself, and started running her fingers in circles on her temples, "Ooh, I'm getting a vision!", she faked, "I can see you want three things for your birthday, and they all begin with the letter S.", she moaned seductively. Nat added a generous dose of eye lid batting.

"Three? I can only think of two!", Eric flirted back, waiting for Nat to continue. "I see.. sex, spaghetti and a spaceship!", Natalie crooned after quickly double checking that they where alone in the kitchen.

"I was only thinking about the first two, and not in that order.", Eric laughed, "Although having sex, in spaghetti, in a spaceship could be interesting!", Eric laughed, the mental image appearing in graphic detail inside his mind.

Natalie tapped a code into the replicator, and placed a fresh plate of spaghetti in front of her husband, and went to collect the mail. It was the usual collection of bills and junk mail. "Speaking of 'S' words, school fees are due", Nat announced when she returned to the kitchen.

 The boys had taken the opportunity to hang out in town for the day with friends. Nick, who was uncomfortable around strangers had decided not to go with them, and instead explored his interests in music.

Everybody in the family had some musical ability, although not since Great Grandma V had anyone worked in the music industry. Nick seemed to have a latent talent for all instruments. He played with the bass for a few minutes before trying out the drums. Nick was enjoying the 'alone' time, so he played gently to avoid drawing an audience. It was like he had been a drummer in a past life, his limbs knew what to do without even thinking about it.

Nick found the piano more complicated, and he had to play for a few minutes to get the feel for where to find the right notes, but again in a few short minutes, he was playing a recognizable tune. Nick spent the rest of the afternoon flitting from instrument to instrument to find the one that he liked best, he played with every instrument in the room, except the violin, and the laser rhythm a thingy.

Lilly-Rose raced out to the footpath, the school bus would be here shortly, and even if the school called another snow day, despite the fact that less than half the town still had snow, the excursion was still on.
Lilly-Rose was shocked to find her sister Ceci already waiting for the excursion to the theater.
The only time Ceci had ever beaten her to the bus was the science fair trip.

 Natalie had been watching the children board the bus and had only counted seven, the bus pulled away, and Nat went looking for the absent child. She found him in the basement, "You are in big trouble mister, dodging school!", Nat rumbled. "I'm not dodging, I'm stuck!" Nathan grumbled. "That's no excuse Nathan!", Natalie growled.

"You know the kids freak when we wolf out? Do you think I want to be stuck in freak mode, instead of being on the excursion with my friends? If it's so easy, why do you still have your dog face on?", Nathan shot back, as the anger welled up inside. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME DOG FACE?!?!", Natalie growled deeply, "Go to your room before I give you a beat down! You are grounded!", Nat added trying to resist the urge to physically discipline her cub.

"Hey a bunch of us are going to hang out at the theater, and go check out some of the stuff that today's tour didn't cover, interested?", Jen asked Ceci. "Nah, I'm going to stay home with Nathan and tell him what he missed out on, because he got his ass grounded for not going." Ceci replied

"What are you doing?", inquired Jen, after realizing her sister was now lying on the floor, staring at one of Uncle Dominic's dogs. "I'm talking to Lady as well, it's called multitasking, duh.", explained Ceci. Jen rolled her eyes and went to find someone more coherent to converse with.

 "I thought they were supposed to be outside, I wonder if there's room in the dog house for me?", mused Nathan when he went to the kitchen to find Ceci, Lady and Boss already there. Ceci ignored Nathan's question. She covered all the highlights of the excursion for Nathan as they had agreed earlier in the day.

Despite the fact that his mother was a werewolf, his siblings still freaked when the transformations occurred.

Even though one werewolf changing in front of another werewolf, it still instilled some deep rooted terror, but it seemed to have no effect on Ceci. So when Nathan had trouble pulling away from the moons effect this morning, he had confided in Ceci that he wouldn't be going to the theater, and had asked her to remember everything she could for him.

Despite the rumors at school, Nathan knew his sister wasn't crazy or insane. His sister had a very different way of seeing the world. Nathan knew people who could understand the concept of 'outside the box', but Ceci sometimes viewed the world from inside the box, outside the box, underneath the box, and even with her back to the box.   

Eric was jogging around the town, despite working only one day a week, he spent the other six days staying in perfect shape. It had just started to rain, not that that affected Eric's rigorous exercise schedule, when he spotted his father coming out of the cafe. Eric stopped for a chat. Eric's mother had passed away just recently, and his father had already been seen around town, with a much younger fairy on his arm.

'She is probably much older in years than my father, but a much younger life stage than him', Eric thought, trying not to get angry that the flowers in his mothers grave hadn't even fully shriveled yet.

"My son the astronaut, I'm so proud of you!", Robert hugged his son. Eric was shocked, his father had rarely hugged him, and had used the 'P' word even less. Eric's anger was quickly buried under the shock, and he decided to bottle it for a later date.  

 Johnathan decided that he had enough of the school bullies sneering at his pink wings, and started working out as often as possible, he also planned on taking some serious martial arts lessons. John decided that just because he was a pacifist by nature, didn't mean he was a doormat for people to walk all over.

Chris on the hand was tired of just making magic sparkles with his wand, and creating apples out of thin air.
He cornered his father, and asked for some more serious witchery lessons. Eric obliged, and after a short lecture on the dangers of the more advanced spells in a witch's repertoire,
began teaching Chris about fire and ice. 

Ceci announced that Lady was about to have pups, and the family gathered around, shocked that Ceci had known when nobody else had noticed. Natalie called Maggie to let her know about the three pups. 

"So there's two pups with spots, but the third is just white." Natalie told her sister in law over the phone, while the rest of the family oohed and aahed at the pups. Maggie explained that the spotty pups would be going to other fire stations, and that the white pupped would probably go to an adoption agency, unless Natalie knew someone who wanted it. Natalie took one look at the teens swarming around the pups and made a decision. 

"Kids, we need to come up with a name for the white one that we can all agree on!", Natalie called out.
After much debate the spotless pup was eventually named 'Spot'.

"Are you going to be a rock star like Granny V?", asked Natalie, while she and Eric watched in amazement how Nick could just pick up any instrument and not sound horrible. "Probably not, I just like to play.", answered Nick honestly. Eric had expected more than seven words, so he probed, "Ah, that's cool, so which instrument is your favorite?", hoping to extract some information of social value from his son.

"I like them all, except the violin, which screeches like a cat if you don't know how to play it. And that Laser Rythmathing, It's too complicated to work out how to use it on your own.", Nick explained.

"I can teach you the violin, and Angel can teach you the Laser Rhythm-a-con, if you like?", offered Natalie, also surprised that Nick was using a form of conversation that was deeper than, 'Yes, no, not much, and the shrugging of shoulders.'

Authors Note:
When I first introduced Angelita in to my game, she met a student at university and fell madly in love. If course that girl lives in Paris, and now that Angel is no longer a psychopathic killer, I have been trying to get them together. So far all effort have failed. My latest attempt was after several hours of playing, I decided to have Angel break the kings rules, and travel to Paris to find her long lost vampire love, after waiting at 99% loading for two hours I realized that the trip was definitely not going as planned,and had to crash the game. Again my game travels backwards in time.

I also couldn't remember the puppies names, or read the coffee smudged notes, I'm guessing the kittens are jealous :) 

Last minute edit before uploading, the pups are Daisy, Misty, and Spot...
Took out about 30 unnecessary ,