The next day, Johnathan found a personal letter from Dahlia waiting for him at Knightgarden. John ripped the letter open impatiently. Dahlia had carefully detailed her methods and observations while tracking Edward, in the event that he wanted to pass this information on to someone else later to continue the search, and she apologized profusely for not being to continue at this time.
John read the second last section several times over. 'Edward has been living with a ghost girl in her late teens. Edward had lived their for the entire time of his absence. The girl whose name was Jessica or Isabelle has ceased to be, due to the destruction of her binding link to a premises on the property in the last few days. Edward has taken his newborn daughter and left the city via freight train boxcar. He may or may not be traveling under the name Salter, as this was the girls last name. He may, or may not be traveling to Starlight Shires, the ghost girl's place of birth.'
John could at least tell Tamara that Edward was alive, had found happiness, and had a daughter!
This is the last chapter for John and Tamara.
Johnathan - Friendly, Neat, Lucky, Natural Cook, Eco Friendly, Handy, Charismatic
Tamara - Charismatic, Nurturing, Eccentric, Handy, Neat, Genius, Animal Lover
Generation 3 rolls where.
Marital Status: Step Children
Children: 1 (+stepchild from MS roll)
Careers: Inventor/Botbuilder, Mixologist
Generation Goal: Living Green
Misc.Fun: No Strangers
All goals achieved, with the Living Green upgrade a property part being met on the last day with an hour of game time to spare.